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#![crate_type = "lib"]
Enable the feature <span class="stab portability"><code>some-feature</code></span> to enjoy this crate even more!
Enable the feature <span class="stab portability"><code>some-feature</code></span> to enjoy this crate even more!
Enable the feature <span class="stab portability"><code>some-feature</code></span> to enjoy this crate even more!
Also, stop using [`bar`] as it's <span class="stab deprecated" title="">deprecated</span>.
Also, stop using [`bar`] as it's <span class="stab deprecated" title="">deprecated</span>.
Also, stop using [`bar`] as it's <span class="stab deprecated" title="">deprecated</span>.
Finally, you can use [`quz`] only on <span class="stab portability"><code>Unix or x86-64</code></span>.
Finally, you can use [`quz`] only on <span class="stab portability"><code>Unix or x86-64</code></span>.
/// Does fooish things.
#[cfg(feature = "some-feature")]
pub fn foo() {}
/// Does barish things.
#[deprecated(since = "0.1.0", note = "we don't need this anymore")]
pub fn bar() {}
/// Does quzish things.
#[cfg(any(unix, target_arch = "x86_64"))]
pub fn quz() {}