Module std::str

1.0.0 · source · []
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Utilities for the str primitive type.

See also the str primitive type.



The string Pattern API.



An item returned by the Utf8Chunks iterator.


An iterator used to decode a slice of mostly UTF-8 bytes to string slices (&str) and byte slices (&[u8]).

An iterator over the bytes of a string slice.

An iterator over the chars of a string slice, and their positions.

An iterator over the chars of a string slice.

An iterator of u16 over the string encoded as UTF-16.

The return type of str::escape_debug.

An iterator over the lines of a string, as string slices.


Created with the method lines_any.

Created with the method match_indices.

Created with the method matches.

An error returned when parsing a bool using from_str fails

Created with the method rmatch_indices.

Created with the method rmatches.

Created with the method rsplit.

Created with the method rsplitn.

Created with the method rsplit_terminator.

Created with the method split.

An iterator over the non-ASCII-whitespace substrings of a string, separated by any amount of ASCII whitespace.

An iterator over the substrings of a string, terminated by a substring matching to a predicate function Unlike Split, it contains the matched part as a terminator of the subslice.

Created with the method splitn.

Created with the method split_terminator.

An iterator over the non-whitespace substrings of a string, separated by any amount of whitespace.

Errors which can occur when attempting to interpret a sequence of u8 as a string.


Parse a value from a string


Converts a boxed slice of bytes to a boxed string slice without checking that the string contains valid UTF-8.

Converts a slice of bytes to a string slice.

Converts a mutable slice of bytes to a mutable string slice.

Converts a slice of bytes to a string slice without checking that the string contains valid UTF-8.

Converts a slice of bytes to a string slice without checking that the string contains valid UTF-8; mutable version.