1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
//! A "compatibility layer" for supporting older versions of Windows
//! The standard library uses some Windows API functions that are not present
//! on older versions of Windows. (Note that the oldest version of Windows
//! that Rust supports is Windows 7 (client) and Windows Server 2008 (server).)
//! This module implements a form of delayed DLL import binding, using
//! `GetModuleHandle` and `GetProcAddress` to look up DLL entry points at
//! runtime.
//! This implementation uses a static initializer to look up the DLL entry
//! points. The CRT (C runtime) executes static initializers before `main`
//! is called (for binaries) and before `DllMain` is called (for DLLs).
//! This is the ideal time to look up DLL imports, because we are guaranteed
//! that no other threads will attempt to call these entry points. Thus,
//! we can look up the imports and store them in `static mut` fields
//! without any synchronization.
//! This has an additional advantage: Because the DLL import lookup happens
//! at module initialization, the cost of these lookups is deterministic,
//! and is removed from the code paths that actually call the DLL imports.
//! That is, there is no unpredictable "cache miss" that occurs when calling
//! a DLL import. For applications that benefit from predictable delays,
//! this is a benefit. This also eliminates the comparison-and-branch
//! from the hot path.
//! Currently, the standard library uses only a small number of dynamic
//! DLL imports. If this number grows substantially, then the cost of
//! performing all of the lookups at initialization time might become
//! substantial.
//! The mechanism of registering a static initializer with the CRT is
//! documented in
//! [CRT Initialization](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/crt-initialization?view=msvc-160).
//! It works by contributing a global symbol to the `.CRT$XCU` section.
//! The linker builds a table of all static initializer functions.
//! The CRT startup code then iterates that table, calling each
//! initializer function.
//! # **WARNING!!*
//! The environment that a static initializer function runs in is highly
//! constrained. There are **many** restrictions on what static initializers
//! can safely do. Static initializer functions **MUST NOT** do any of the
//! following (this list is not comprehensive):
//! * touch any other static field that is used by a different static
//! initializer, because the order that static initializers run in
//! is not defined.
//! * call `LoadLibrary` or any other function that acquires the DLL
//! loader lock.
//! * call any Rust function or CRT function that touches any static
//! (global) state.
macro_rules! compat_fn {
($module:literal: $(
pub fn $symbol:ident($($argname:ident: $argtype:ty),*) -> $rettype:ty $fallback_body:block
)*) => ($(
pub mod $symbol {
use super::*;
use crate::mem;
type F = unsafe extern "system" fn($($argtype),*) -> $rettype;
/// Points to the DLL import, or the fallback function.
/// This static can be an ordinary, unsynchronized, mutable static because
/// we guarantee that all of the writes finish during CRT initialization,
/// and all of the reads occur after CRT initialization.
static mut PTR: Option<F> = None;
/// This symbol is what allows the CRT to find the `init` function and call it.
/// It is marked `#[used]` because otherwise Rust would assume that it was not
/// used, and would remove it.
#[link_section = ".CRT$XCU"]
static INIT_TABLE_ENTRY: unsafe extern "C" fn() = init;
unsafe extern "C" fn init() {
PTR = get_f();
unsafe extern "C" fn get_f() -> Option<F> {
// There is no locking here. This code is executed before main() is entered, and
// is guaranteed to be single-threaded.
// DO NOT do anything interesting or complicated in this function! DO NOT call
// any Rust functions or CRT functions, if those functions touch any global state,
// because this function runs during global initialization. For example, DO NOT
// do any dynamic allocation, don't call LoadLibrary, etc.
let module_name: *const u8 = concat!($module, "\0").as_ptr();
let symbol_name: *const u8 = concat!(stringify!($symbol), "\0").as_ptr();
let module_handle = $crate::sys::c::GetModuleHandleA(module_name as *const i8);
if !module_handle.is_null() {
let ptr = $crate::sys::c::GetProcAddress(module_handle, symbol_name as *const i8);
if !ptr.is_null() {
// Transmute to the right function pointer type.
return Some(mem::transmute(ptr));
return None;
pub fn option() -> Option<F> {
unsafe { PTR }
pub unsafe fn call($($argname: $argtype),*) -> $rettype {
if let Some(ptr) = PTR {
return ptr($($argname),*);
if cfg!(miri) {
// Miri does not run `init`, so we just call `get_f` each time.
if let Some(ptr) = get_f() {
return ptr($($argname),*);
pub use $symbol::call as $symbol;