Error code E0624

A private item was used outside of its scope.

Erroneous code example:

mod inner {
    pub struct Foo;

    impl Foo {
        fn method(&self) {}

let foo = inner::Foo;
foo.method(); // error: method `method` is private

Two possibilities are available to solve this issue:

  1. Only use the item in the scope it has been defined:
mod inner {
    pub struct Foo;

    impl Foo {
        fn method(&self) {}

    pub fn call_method(foo: &Foo) { // We create a public function.
        foo.method(); // Which calls the item.

let foo = inner::Foo;
inner::call_method(&foo); // And since the function is public, we can call the
                          // method through it.
  1. Make the item public:
mod inner {
    pub struct Foo;

    impl Foo {
        pub fn method(&self) {} // It's now public.

let foo = inner::Foo;
foo.method(); // Ok!

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