Error code E0605

An invalid cast was attempted.

Erroneous code examples:

let x = 0u8;
x as Vec<u8>; // error: non-primitive cast: `u8` as `std::vec::Vec<u8>`

// Another example

let v = core::ptr::null::<u8>(); // So here, `v` is a `*const u8`.
v as &u8; // error: non-primitive cast: `*const u8` as `&u8`

Only primitive types can be cast into each other. Examples:

let x = 0u8;
x as u32; // ok!

let v = core::ptr::null::<u8>();
v as *const i8; // ok!

For more information about casts, take a look at the Type cast section in The Reference Book.

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