Error code E0533

An item which isn’t a unit struct, a variant, nor a constant has been used as a match pattern.

Erroneous code example:

struct Tortoise;

impl Tortoise {
    fn turtle(&self) -> u32 { 0 }

match 0u32 {
    Tortoise::turtle => {} // Error!
    _ => {}
if let Tortoise::turtle = 0u32 {} // Same error!

If you want to match against a value returned by a method, you need to bind the value first:

struct Tortoise;

impl Tortoise {
    fn turtle(&self) -> u32 { 0 }

match 0u32 {
    x if x == Tortoise.turtle() => {} // Bound into `x` then we compare it!
    _ => {}

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