Error code E0451

A struct constructor with private fields was invoked.

Erroneous code example:

mod bar {
    pub struct Foo {
        pub a: isize,
        b: isize,

let f = bar::Foo{ a: 0, b: 0 }; // error: field `b` of struct `bar::Foo`
                                //        is private

To fix this error, please ensure that all the fields of the struct are public, or implement a function for easy instantiation. Examples:

mod bar {
    pub struct Foo {
        pub a: isize,
        pub b: isize, // we set `b` field public

let f = bar::Foo{ a: 0, b: 0 }; // ok!


mod bar {
    pub struct Foo {
        pub a: isize,
        b: isize, // still private

    impl Foo {
        pub fn new() -> Foo { // we create a method to instantiate `Foo`
            Foo { a: 0, b: 0 }

let f = bar::Foo::new(); // ok!

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