Error code E0329

Note: this error code is no longer emitted by the compiler.

An attempt was made to access an associated constant through either a generic type parameter or Self. This is not supported yet. An example causing this error is shown below:

trait Foo {
    const BAR: f64;

struct MyStruct;

impl Foo for MyStruct {
    const BAR: f64 = 0f64;

fn get_bar_bad<F: Foo>(t: F) -> f64 {

Currently, the value of BAR for a particular type can only be accessed through a concrete type, as shown below:

trait Foo {
    const BAR: f64;

struct MyStruct;

impl Foo for MyStruct {
    const BAR: f64 = 0f64;

fn get_bar_good() -> f64 {
    <MyStruct as Foo>::BAR

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