Error code E0050

An attempted implementation of a trait method has the wrong number of function parameters.

Erroneous code example:

trait Foo {
    fn foo(&self, x: u8) -> bool;

struct Bar;

// error: method `foo` has 1 parameter but the declaration in trait `Foo::foo`
// has 2
impl Foo for Bar {
    fn foo(&self) -> bool { true }

For example, the Foo trait has a method foo with two function parameters (&self and u8), but the implementation of foo for the type Bar omits the u8 parameter. To fix this error, they must have the same parameters:

trait Foo {
    fn foo(&self, x: u8) -> bool;

struct Bar;

impl Foo for Bar {
    fn foo(&self, x: u8) -> bool { // ok!

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