Error code E0004

This error indicates that the compiler cannot guarantee a matching pattern for one or more possible inputs to a match expression. Guaranteed matches are required in order to assign values to match expressions, or alternatively, determine the flow of execution.

Erroneous code example:

enum Terminator {

let x = Terminator::HastaLaVistaBaby;

match x { // error: non-exhaustive patterns: `HastaLaVistaBaby` not covered
    Terminator::TalkToMyHand => {}

If you encounter this error you must alter your patterns so that every possible value of the input type is matched. For types with a small number of variants (like enums) you should probably cover all cases explicitly. Alternatively, the underscore _ wildcard pattern can be added after all other patterns to match “anything else”. Example:

enum Terminator {

let x = Terminator::HastaLaVistaBaby;

match x {
    Terminator::TalkToMyHand => {}
    Terminator::HastaLaVistaBaby => {}

// or:

match x {
    Terminator::TalkToMyHand => {}
    _ => {}

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